0421 711 178
AGE 6 - 8
"Logic will take you from A to B.
Imagination will take you everywhere" - Einstein

​Class description
Fun and informative art classes that stretch the imagination, with the aim to teach new art skills and share a passion for creativity. Children will receive individual attention & creative guidance in developing and expressing their artistic self-confidence, in classes that art fun and process driven.
Each term introduces a range of new and exciting art activities.
Vivienne du Toit - WWC1055408E
Madi Hogan - WWC2455372E
​Class times
Monday 3:45pm - 5:15pm - Vivienne
Wednesday 3:45pm - 5:15pm - Vivienne
Saturday 10am - 11.30am - Madi
Only primary school enrolled children are eligible for this class.
We only accept children who turn 6 prior to July, those who turn 6 after July can go on the waiting list for the second half of the year.
Maximum 12 children per art class.
These classes are drop and go classes - parent do not remain.
Term price
$340+GST ($374) for an 8 week term
Price is inclusive of all materials​.
Booking and payment
Online PAYMENT is available on this website.
Alternatively we welcome phone bookings.
Art classes will commence with a minimum of 6 student